Nominations for INFORMS Board of Directors Information Sheet

Duties of Board Positions

Detailed Board Positions Nominations for INFORMS Board of Directors Information Sheet

The INFORMS Board of Directors comprises 16 members: five officers, ten vice presidents, and the Executive Director (ex officio). Volunteer members of the INFORMS Board of Directors are appointed through a nominations and elections process.

The below are positions on the Board:

  • President-Elect (3 year term – President-Elect, President and Past President)
  • Treasurer
  • Secretary
  • Vice President – Education
  • Vice President – International Activities
  • Vice President – Marketing, Communications & Outreach
  • Vice President – Membership and Professional Recognition
  • Vice President – Meetings
  • Vice President – Practice
  • Vice President – Publications
  • Vice President – Technology Strategy

*The position of VP of Sections and Societies is filled through an election by the Subdivision Council. 

It is INFORMS’ tradition to allow Vice Presidents who want to serve a second term and who are performing well to run unopposed. This provides INFORMS with continuity and stability.

Below is a brief overview of the Board’s positions.  The time commitment below indicates activities in addition to the attendance at eight Board meetings per year.  During months without Board meetings, there may be occasional discussions and votes.  In addition, it is expected that each Board member attend the INFORMS Analytics Conference held in the Spring and the Annual Meeting which is held during the Fall.

Title and Term Time Commitment Brief Description of Responsibilities
Candidates for the President-Elect position must be members in good standing.


3 Years
(1 year as President-Elect; 1 year as President; 1 Year as Past President)

  • Monthly Executive Committee meetings (one hour/month)
  • During year of presidency, 3-12 hours/week

During year of presidency:

  • Serves as the chief volunteer office of INFORMS during year of
  • Chairs Board meetings and is a voting member of the Board of Directors
  • Represents INFORMS during conferences sponsored by INFORMS and related organizations.

As President-Elect: Serves on the Nominating Committee;

As Past President serves as Chair, Nominating Committee.

All three years:

  • Works closely with the INFORMS Executive Director to meet strategic goals and objectives.
  • Works closely with the Board Services Administrator


2 years
(Possibility of a 2nd term for an additional two years)

  • Monthly Executive Committee meetings (one hour/month)
  • Additional 4-6 hours/month
  • Quarterly Finance and Investment committee meetings
  • Serves as Treasurer for INFORMS.
  • Recommends changes to policies, procedures, standing rules, and bylaws when necessary.
  • The Treasurer chairs the Investment and Finance Committees.
  • Reviews the budget, prepared by the CFO
  • Reviews quarterly financial and investment statements and the annual audit report.
  • Works closely with the CFO, Board Services Administrator, and Executive Director.


2 years
(Possibility of a 2nd term for an additional two years)

  • Monthly Executive Committee meetings (one hour/month)
  • Additional 4-6 hours/month
  • Serves as Secretary for INFORMS and is a voting member of the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee.
  • Works closely with the Executive Director, and Board Services Administrator.
  • Perform the duties usual to the office of an organization’s Secretary and those required by the Constitution and Bylaws, by actions of the Board, and by law.
  • Reviews consensus motions for preparation for Board meetings.
  • Reviews minutes from Executive Committee and Board meetings after receipt of them from the board services administrator.
  • Lead the Secretary section of the Board agenda during Board meetings.
  • Answer correspondence directed to the Secretary or route it to the appropriate individual for appropriate action.
  • Assist with the election process by a) communicating with the slate of candidates to be a point of contact for them throughout the process and b) communicating the results of the annual election to the those who were elected and those who were not elected.
  • Work collaboratively with the executive staff to revise and update governance practices to ensure a high-performing Board.
  • May be asked by the President to lead ad-hoc committees, when needed, to further advance the governance needs of INFORMS.
  • Serve as the Board liaison to the development function.
  • Handle all written member resignations (Bylaw 1.5), Board nominations by petition (Bylaw 3.4), and special meeting requests by petition (Bylaw 7.2).
  • Lead the formal process of bylaw changes when advanced by a petition by the members (Constitution II.3) and lead the formal process for constitutional amendments including those by petition (Constitution IX).

VP of Education

2 years
(Possibility of a 2nd term for an additional two years)

  • Additional 6-8 hours/month related to Education Activities Committee.
  • Serves as the liaison between the Education Committees and the INFORMS Board.
  • Contributes to the strategic direction for educational programs and products.
  • Promotes and help set INFORMS strategy.
  • Collaborates with other VPs as needed to ensure alignment  and reduce inefficiencies
  • Works closely with the INFORMS Director of Education & Industry Programs.
VP International Activities
  • Additional 6-8 hours/month related to International Activities
  • Serves as the VP International Activities of INFORMS.
  • Serves as the INFORMS National Representative to IFORS (International Federal of Operational Research Societies.
  • Serves as Chair of the International Activities Committee and Board liaison. 
  • Liaison to the OR/MS Today Committee, Meetings Committee, Membership Committee, Section/Society Committee and Chapter/Fora Committee.
  • Provides suggestions to the INFRMS President for possible candidate for IFORS NORAM VP (3 of every 4 3-year terms)
  • Coordinates the INFORMS votes on IFORS proposals/ballots with the INFORMS Board or Executive Committee.
VP Marketing, Communications & Outreach
  • Additional 2-3 hours/month related to Board and VP position
  • Serves as the Board’s primary liaison with the Chief Strategy and Innovation Officer, Director of Marketing.
  • As a Board member, works closely with the Executive Director and Board Services Administrator.
  • Serves as a liaison to the National Science Foundation (NSF) and other government entities as appropriate.
  • Responsible for supporting the strategic direction of a variety of activities in conjunction with the Director of Marketing and Chief Strategy and Innovation Officer.
  • Responsible for nominating the chairs or members of various committees described in Section 9 of the P&P.
  • Should have familiarity and experience with strategic communications, marketing, and advocacy.

VP Membership and Professional Recognition

2 years
(Possibility of a 2nd term for an additional two years)

  • Additional 4-8 hours/month related to Board and VP position
  • Serves as VP Membership and Professional Recognition
  • Works collaboratively with the Director of Membership, Director of Recognition, Executive Director and Board Services Administrator.
  • Board Liaison to the Professional Recognition Committee, Membership Committee, Student Affairs Subcommittee, and INFORMS Speaker Program Subcommittee.

VP of Meetings

2 years
(Possibility of a 2nd term for an additional two years)

  • Additional 6-8 hours/month related to Meetings  Committee activities.
  • Serves as the liaison with the Meetings and Conferences of INFORMS.
  • Chairs the Meetings Committee and advises on the development of new meetings and conferences.
  • Ensures Organizing Committees follow all policies set forth in Policies &Procedures.
  • Works closely with the INFORMS Director of Meetings.

VP of Practice

2 years
(Possibility of a 2nd term for an additional two years)

  • Additional 4-8 hours/month related to Board and VP position
  • Serves as the liaison between the Practice Committees and the INFORMS Board.
  • Promotes and help set INFORMS strategy.
  • Collaborates with other VPs as needed to ensure alignment and reduce inefficiencies.
  • Works collaboratively with the Director of Education and Industry Programs, Executive Director and Board Services Administrator.

VP of Publications

2 years
(Possibility of a 2nd term for an additional two years)

  • Additional 6-8 hours/month related to Publications committee activities.
  • Serves as the Vice President for the Publications for INFORMS.   
  • Chairs the Publications Committee and leads development of initiatives that support the broader publications community.
  • Represents the publications program of INFORMS and advises the Board on publications matters.
  • Holds an annual meeting of the Publications Committee and editors-in-in-chief at the Fall Annual Meeting.
  • Works closely with the INFORMS Director of Publications.

VP of Technology Strategy

2 years
(Possibility of a 2nd term for an additional two years)

  • Additional 2- 4 hours/month related to Technology Strategy Committee activities. 
  • Serves as an advocate for the Information Technology activities within INFORMS.
  • Works to keep abreast of issues related to information technology with regards to IT-based solutions. 
  • Expected to have an outward focus on how well INFORMS systems interact with other electronic portals.
  • Works closely with the INFORMS Director of Information Technology.

INFORMS strives for a diverse and inclusive Board of Directors. This is reflected in INFORMS' Diversity and Inclusion Statement:

INFORMS values and seeks diverse and inclusive participation within the membership and profession it represents. To achieve this goal, INFORMS is committed to providing an environment that encourages and supports equal opportunity, free expression, freedom from discrimination, harassment and retaliation, full participation in all activities and leadership, and collaboration among people of different backgrounds.

Dates: Expressions of interest are due by January 17, 2025.  Nominations received after that date may be considered. The Nominating Committee will report its nominations on or before March 1, 2025.

Questions: If you have any questions concerning the Board of Directors positions or the upcoming election process, please send a note to Grace Trent, Board Services Administrator, at [email protected]. If you have feedback about the process, please send to [email protected].