Brief Biography

Born a few weeks prior to the end of the Second World War, Steven Nahmias is a Fellow of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) and a Professor in Santa Clara University’s Operations Management and Information Systems Department. In June, 1968, Nahmias received a BA in Mathematics and Physics from Queens College and a BS in Industrial Engineering from Columbia University. He pursued graduate study at Northwestern University, completing his master’s thesis under the supervision or Erhan Cinlar. During the summers of the late 1960s, Nahmias worked as a Scientific Programmer and Analyst for IBM in Armonk, New York. In 1972, he received his PhD in Operations Research with a dissertation on optimal and approximate ordering policies for a perishable product subject to stochastic demand. His dissertation advisor was William P. Pierskalla.
Prior to joining the School of Business at Santa Clara, Nahmias held positions with the University of Pittsburgh as an Assistant (1972-1976) and Associate (1976-1979) Professor with the university’s Department of Industrial Engineering. He has held a number of visiting positions at Stanford University and leading Israeli academic institutions. Additionally, Nahmias has held a number of editorial positions with Management Science, Naval Research Logistics, and Operations Research. Nahmias chaired the Operations Management and Information Systems Department at Santa Clara from 1987 until 1991.
Nahmias is widely known for his textbook, Production and Operations Analysis, originally published in 1989. The book, now in its seventh edition, has been adopted by over one hundred universities and business schools. Production and Operations Analysis has also had a successful impact abroad, having been translated into Spanish, Hebrew, and Chinese. In addition to his interest in product analysis, Nahmias’s other research interests primarily focus on statistical analysis, stochastic modelling, and inventory systems.
Other Biographies
Santa Clara University. Operations Management and Information Systems Faculty: Steve Nahmias. Accessed January 6, 2015. (link)
Queens College, BA 1968
Columbia University, BS 1968
Northwestern University, MS 1971
Northwestern University, PhD, 1972
Academic Affiliations
- Columbia University
- Stanford University
- University of Pittsburgh
- Northwestern University
- Queens College
- Santa Clara University
Non-Academic Affiliations
Key Interests in OR/MS
Awards and Honors
Operations Research Society of America Student Paper Competition, First Place 1971
Manufacturing and Service Operations Management Distinguished Fellow 2010
Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences Fellow 2014
Professional Service
ORSA Standing Committee on Student Affairs, Chairman (1974-1976)
Selected Publications
Nahmias S. (1975) Optimal ordering policies for perishable inventory—II. Operations Research, 23(4): 735-749.
Nahmias S. (1976) Myopic approximations for the perishable inventory problem. Management Science, 22(9): 1002-1008.
Nahmias S. (1989) Production and Operations Analysis. Richard D. Irwin: Homewood, Il.
Erkip N., Hausman W. H., & Nahmias S. (1990) Optimal centralized ordering policies in multi-echelon inventory systems with correlated demands. Management Science, 36(3): 381-392.
Nahmias S. (1994) Demand estimation in lost sales inventory systems. Naval Research Logistics, 41(6): 739-758.
Tsay A. A., Nahmias S., & Agrawal N. (1999) Modeling supply chain contracts: A review. Tayur S. & Magazine M., eds. in Quantitative Models For Supply Chain Management, 299-336. Springer US: New York.
Nahmias (2011) Perishable Inventory Systems. International Series in Operations Research and Management Science. Springer: New York.