The Annual Comprehensive Index (ACI) Bibliographic Database contains approximately 38,818 journal bibliographic entries covering the years 1976 - 2001. The records for ACI were contributed by IFORS, publisher of International Abstracts in Operations Research (IAOR).
The entries for the period 1976 to 1987 come from INFORMS journals. The entries for the period 1988 to 2001 come from a total of approximately 663 different INFORMS as well as non-INFORMS journals.
You can search this database using the form below. For your reference, there is also a List of Keywords and list of IAOR Classification Numbers.
Important Note:
The ACI bibliographic database is no longer supported by INFORMS but is supplied here as an historical record back to 1976 and as a convenience to guests to our website. Please note that the ACI database has not been updated since 2001. A comprehensive and more up-to-date database is maintained by International Abstracts in Operations Research (IAOR).
Search ACI Bilbliographic Database
Author: | |
Title: | |
Journal: | |
Volume: | |
Year: | |
Keywords: | |
IAOR Classification: | |
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All requested fields (AND) At least one requested field (OR) |
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- Checking AND will return all records which match all of the fields above (author, title, keywords etc.) that are specified, while checking OR will return all records which match at least one of the fields that are specified.
- The ACI database is based upon information obtained from IAOR, which in turn obtains its information on a voluntary basis from a number of different journals. While every attempt has been made to obtain all possible data, the information in the database nevertheless has gaps and is thus not necessarily comprehensive.
- INFORMS does not currently maintain any abstracts or copies of papers. If you would like to get more information on a specific paper, your options are to (1) try and find the appropriate journal in a library, (2) write to the publisher of the journal, or (3) contact the authors directly for more information - since many of the authors are likely to be INFORMS members, you might want to search the Membership Database for more information about contacting them.
If you have questions or comments, please send mail to the Associate Editor, Bibliographic Information, or the Editor, INFORMS Online.