Country: United States of America (USA)
State: (USA) District of Columbia
Theme: POM in Data Driven Smart Decision Making Era
The annual conference provides an opportunity for faculty, doctoral students and practitioners to share knowledge and insights through research presentations, tutorials, workshops and panel discussions.
Plenary Speakers
We are in the process of lining up an exciting set of plenary speakers for the annual conference. Please stay tuned for information on the plenary speakers.
About our Venue in Washington DC
Our conference hotel is the Washington Hilton, located near many historic sites, museums and other points of interest in Washington DC, U.S.A. The hotel is ideally situated with sweeping skyline views of the city and with easy access to landmarks such as the White House, Capitol,
National Mall, Smithsonian Institution, National Zoo, and many other sites of interest.
Who May Participate
Researchers working in the area of operations management (OM) from academia, government, industry and research establishments as well as doctoral students are invited to submit research papers, proposals for symposia, tutorials, and/or workshops on current topics in OM.
Submission Information
Interested participants are invited to submit abstracts of continuous text (no bullet points, no math/Greek symbols) no longer than 50 words describing their presentation. The title should be no longer than 15 words. Submission should include information about all co-authors including full name, organization, and contact email. The system will also ask to identify the name of the paper presenter. One person can present at most three papers.
Conference Chairs
Zuo-Jun Max Shen, University of California, Berkeley – General Chair, [email protected]
Ruxian Wang, Johns Hopkins University, Program Co-Chair, [email protected]