Country: Hong Kong (HON)
CFP-2014 the 4th International Conference on Computer and Communication Devices
July 28-29, 2014
Hong Kong
<Submission Deadline>:2014-05-20
All accepted papers will be published in the volume of International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering (IJCTE), and will be included in the Electronic Journals Library, EBSCO, Engineering & Technology Digital Library, Google Scholar, INSPEC, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, Crossref, ProQuest, WorldCat, and EI (INSPEC, IET).
<Call for Paper>:
MEMS and Microsystems
Solar Cells and Photonics
Wireless Communication and Sensor Networks
Optical Communication
Satellite Communication
Image and Video Processing
Pattern Recognition and Image Understanding
Biomedical Signal Processing
Biomedical Instrumentation and Sensors
Multimedia Coding and Communication
Speech and Audio Signal Processing
Adaptive Signal Processing
Computer Networks
Network Coding and Information Theory
Neural Networks
Soft Computing Techniques
Artificial Intelligence
Electromagnetics and Microwave Circuits
More topics:
<Submission Method>:
By the Email: [email protected] (.PDF/.DOC)
<Contact Us>:
Ms. Wendy C. Lee
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +86-28-8652-7868