Country: Singapore (SNP)
2014 3rd International Conference on Software and Information Engineering
(ICSIE 2014)
May 1-2, 2014
All papers for the ICSIE 2014 will be published in the Journal of Lecture Notes on Software Engineering (LNSE, ISSN: 2301-3559) as one volume, and will be indexed by DOAJ, Electronic Journals Library, Engineering & Technology Digital Library, EBSCO, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, International Computer Science Digital Library (ICSDL), ProQuest and Google Scholar.
Paper Submission (Full Paper):March 1st, 2014
Call for Paper:
AI and Knowledge based software engineering
Artificial Intelligence
Aspect-orientation and feature interaction
Business Process Reengineering & Science
Communication Systems and Networks
Component-Based Software Engineering
Computer & Software Engineering
Computer Animation and Design Contents
Computer Game Development, User Modeling and Management
Computer supported cooperative work
Cost Modeling and Analysis
Data Mining and Knowledge Recovery
Design & Process Engineering & Science
Design Patterns and Frameworks
Distributed Intelligent Systems
Economic and Financial Systems
Empirical software engineering
End user software engineering
Engineering of distributed/parallel SW systems
Engineering of embedded and real-time software
Engineering secure software
Formal Methods and Tools
Healthcare Engineering
Human-Computer Interaction
Information Management Systems, MIS
Information Systems Engineering
Internet and information systems development
Middleware Design Techniques
Mobile/Wireless Computing
Modeling with UML
Object-Oriented Technology
Parallel and Distributed Computing
Patterns and frameworks
Process Management & Improvement
Program comprehension and visualization
Programming languages
Reengineering, Reverse Engineering
Reliability Modeling and Analysis
Requirements Engineering
Reverse engineering and maintenance
Safety and Security Critical Software
Software Agent Technology
Software architecture and design
Software components and reuse
Software dependability, safety and reliability
Software economics and metrics
Software engineering for mobile, ubiquitous and pervasive systems
Software policy and ethics
Software Process Models
Software processes and workflows
Software requirements engineering
Software Reuse and Metrics
Software testing and analysis
Software tools and development environments
SW Configuration management and deployment
Technology Transfer
Theory and formal methods
Use Cases and Scenarios
Virtual Reality and Computer Graphics
Visual and Multimedia Computing
Web Engineering, Web-Based Applications
Submission Methods:
1. Electronic Submission System; (.pdf)
2. Email: [email protected] (.pdf and .doc)
Contact us:
Ms.Emma Wang
Tel: +86-28-8652-8298 (International)
E-mail: [email protected]