The 15th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation
(ISAAC 2004) will take place in Hong Kong, December 20-22, 2004.
It is organized at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
(HKUST). The symposium is intended to provide a forum for researchers
working in algorithms and the theory of computation. Papers presenting
original research in the areas of design and analysis of algorithms,
computational complexity, and theory of computation are sought.
Typical but not exclusive topics of interest are:
* Algorithms and data structures
* Approximation algorithms
* Combinatorial algorithms
* Combinatorial optimization
* Computational biology
* Computational complexity
* Computational geometry
* Cryptography
* Graph drawing
* Graph algorithms
* Online and approximation algorithms
* Parallel and distributed algorithms
* Randomized algorithms
* Quantum computing
A prize will be given to the best paper written solely by
one or more students. A paper is eligible if all authors are full-time
students at the time of submission. The supervisors of the students
may also appear as co-authors. You should indicate your student status
through the electronic submission process or by email to the program
chair. The program committee may decline to make the award,
or may split it among several papers.