The field of wireless and mobile computing is an important
area of computing today. This has been made
possible due to the tremendous and continued growth of wireless
communications and network technology,
providing infrastructures high bandwidth distributed services.
The mobility of users offers new challenges to
seamless connectivity in a distributed, heterogeneous network
of wireline and wireless components such as
routing, scheduling, channel assignment, load balancing,
cache coherence, information access, and QoS
provisioning. In addition to wireless networks based on a
pre-exisiting infrastructure, where communications
take place only between the wireless nodes and
the access point, ad hoc wireless networks are emerging.
Such networks do not need any insfrastructure to work,
but they comprise mobile clients as well as mobile
servers, and they pose challenges in diverse areas
such as location management, network connectivity,
reliability and security, and energy consumption.
The objective of this workshop is to bring together leading
technologists and researchers in these ``critical areas''
of research in order to have a forum for discussing fundamental
challenges, identifying future perspectives, and exchanging
ideas about ongoing research. Authors are solicited to
submit original unpublished manuscripts for this workshop.
Accepted papers will be published in the proceedings (by IEEE=A0CS
of the IPDPS workshops.