The last few years have witnessed rapid
developments in semiconductor mathematical research including modeling,
analysis and numerical simulations of semiconductor device equations,
ranging from the Schroedinger equation for the evolution of the electron
wave function to the drift-diffusion system for the evolution of the
'electron gas' which is close to a Maxwellian equilibrium. Like
semiconductor devices, many proteins and biological systems are also
devices in exactly the engineering sense of the word. These devices have
a definite function described by an approximate device equation that is
valid ONLY when the device is working as designed. Devices have complex
internal structure that allows them to have a reasonably robust and
simple equation and much of biological research is really an inverse
problem to determine the device equation.
The diversity of physical architectures for semiconductor devices and
biological ionic channels as well as the mathematical models they are
based on has proven to be a fruitful ground for interaction of
researchers from different disciplines in physics, biology, engineering,
mathematics and scientific computation.
We plan to revisit existing intersections and to explore future
directions in modeling, analysis and numerics of classical and quantum
transport in semiconductor devices, and classical transport in
biological ionic channels, and related topics.