"Combinatorics in Cambridge" is a conference to be held in Cambridge from August 4th to August 7th, 2003.
All interested are warmly invited to attend.
The meeting is timed to coincide with the 60th birthday of Bela Bollobs, and the themes will be those of his mathematical interests: extremal combinatorics, random combinatorics and functional analysis.
A series of around thirty lectures will given by invited speakers. Among those anticipated to be taking part in the meeting are
Yousef Alavi, Noga Alon, Jzsef Beck, Christian Borgs, Neil Calkin, Jennifer Chayes, Chen Beifang, Chen Chuanping, Ernie Cockayne, Ralph Faudree, Trevor Fenner, Ehud Friedgut, Alan Frieze, Laszl Gerencser, Roland Haggkvist, Svante Janson, Jeff Kahn, Gil Kalai, Michal Karonski, Gyula Katona, Jeong-Han Kim, Alexandr Kostochka, Michael Krivelevich, Felix Lazebnik, Nati Linial, Lasl Lovsz, Tomasz Luczak, Wolfgang Mader, Colin McDiarmid, Vitali Milman, Keika Mynhardt, Jarik Nesetril, Vlado Nikiforov, Boris Pittel, Hans-Jorgen Prmel, Vojta Rdl, Pierre Rosenstiehl, Cecil Rousseau, Andrzej Rucinski, Dick Schelp, Miki Simonovits, Greg Sorkin, Vera Ss, Angelika Steger, Benny Sudakov, Endre Szemeredi, Jim Tattersall, Simon Tavare, Carsten Thomassen, Bjarne Toft, Tom Trotter, Lior Tzafriri, Dominic Welsh, John Wierman, Pete Winkler
together with many of Bollobs's students, past and present:
Keith Ball, Jozsi Balogh, Graham Brightwell, Keith Carne, Jonathan Cutler, Tristan Denley, Reinhard Diestel, Ted Dobson, Stephen Eldridge, Tim Gowers, Andrew Harris, Penny Haxell, Hugh Hind, Alice Hubenko, Guoping Jin, Yoshi Kohayakawa, Imre Leader, Henry Liu, Balazs Montagh, Rob Morris, Alexis Papaioannou, Jonathan Partington, Luke Pebody, Jamie Radcliffe, Charles Read, Oliver Riordan, Amites Sarkar, Alex Scott, Alan Stacey, Tamas Szabo, Andrew Thomason, K. Tillekeratne, David Weinreich, Jerzy Wojcziechowski, Colin Wright.