The 2003 Concurrent Engineering Europe Conference is structured
around the following major topics. A track will be devoted to each
of these topics in parallel. The conference language is English.
* E-Business in CE
Organizational influences of e-business
B2B business models for inter-organizational CE
Migration to e-business based CE
E-business applications for CE
B2B portals for CE
Emerging standards (e.g. XML)
e-procurement, e-supply, e-engineering,...
* Organization and Management
Principles of CE
Multi-disciplined team-working and project team organization
Global product development and international collaboration
Life-cycle cost and quality
Business process re-engineering and outsourcing
Supply chain management
Measurement of profitability by the introduction of CE
* Supporting Technologies
Digital Mock-Up
Virtual prototyping
Rapid prototyping
Synthetic environments and simulation on the factory floor
Reverse engineering
Assembly and disassembly
High precision manufacturing
Intelligent manufacturing
Sensor and robot assisted machining
* Engineering Data Management and Information Modeling
Integration of geometrical data and product definition
Product data interchange (PDI) and standards
Data handling, distribution and transformation
Data version control and release management
Corporate technical memory
Design rationale and intent
* Process Management
Engineering process modeling
CE metrics
CE process planning, scheduling and simulation
Workflow-management in CE
Project and team coordination
Process planning in continuous, discrete and hybrid processes
Process modeling, monitoring and control
Diagnostics and maintenance
Automated inspection and quality control
Production planning, scheduling and control
* Collaborative CE Environments for Virtual Teams
Cooperative problem solving
CSCW methods and tools
Information and application sharing
Computer-based video and audio conferencing
Conflict resolution techniques
Constraint management
Negotiation, blackboard and agent-based architecture
CORBA based environments and integrated frameworks
Architectures for building CE systems
CE languages and tools
Distributed computing environments
WWW based CE systems
mobile CE systems
Networking and distribution in CE
* Practical Applications and Experiences
Practical solutions
Systematic guide-lines
Pitfalls and success stories
Case studies, pilot projects and experiments
ECEC2003 will feature one Keynote Speaker.
Focusing on the main tracks of the Conference, invited speakers will
give special in-depth presentations in plenary sessio