
Event Detail

General Information
Wednesday, April 9, 2008 - Friday, April 11, 2008
Days of Week:
Target Audience:
Academic and Practice
EUROSIS Porto, Portugal
General Phone:
485 EUR
Registration Information
Registration Phone:
Event Details/Other Comments:

The conference aim of ECEC'2008 is to provide European Researchers with a forum, where they can discuss the latest developments linked to concurrent engineering focused on European research projects. ECEC'2008 aims to identify the progress that has been made in Concurrent Engineering over the last year. A special focus of the ECEC'2008 will be the influence of RFID technology on Concurrent Engineering. This track is organized by the Delft University of Technology.
] 1 e-Business in CE
[] 2 Organization and Management
[] 3 Supporting Technologies
[] 4 Techniques
[] 5 Engineering of Embedded Systems
[] 6 Engineering data management and information modeling
[] 7 Engineering process management and simulation
[] 8 Collaborative CE environments for virtual teams
[] 9 CE Enhanced Lean Manufacturing
[] 10 Practical applications and experiences
] Track on RFID Technology