The goal of the GDV 2004 workshop is to bring together researchers
interested in the application of game theory to system design,
analysis, and verification. Games provide a model for interaction
that has found many applications both in the theory of systems
(semantics of programming languages, semantics of interaction) and
in the practice of system design (controller synthesis, modular
verification, security analysis). This workshop aims at covering a
spectrum from theoretical results to concrete applications.
The topics of interest include:
* Games and component-based design and verification
* Games as models for component interaction
* Game theory in semantics
* Games for control and scheduler synthesis
* Logics for games
* Algorithms for solving games
* Games in artificial intelligence and machine learning
* Game models in the design and verification of distributed systems
* Games in the design of multi-agent systems
Invited Speakers
Patricia Bouyer ENS Cachan, FR
Paper Submission
Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract not exceeding
15 pages.
The proceedings will be made available at the workshop.
Important Dates
Paper submission: April 30
Notification: May 31
Final version: June 26
Program Committee
Dan Ghica University of Birmingham
Erich Graedel RWTH Aachen
Marcin Jurdzinski (co-chair) University of Warwick
Kim G. Larsen Aalborg University
Rupak Majumdar (co-chair) UC Los Angeles
Madhusudan Parthasarathy University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Olivier Serre RWTH Aachen