CBMS 2005 is intended to provide an international forum for discussing the latest results in the field of computational medicine. The symposium is dedicated to a broad arena of issues which relate computing to medicine, with a focus on bioinformatics.
The symposium
consists of regular and special track sessions with technical contributions reviewed and selected by an international program committee, as well as of invited talks and tutorials given by leading scientists.
The symposium provides a mechanism for the exchange of ideas and technologies between academicians and industrial scientists who are developing Computer-Based Medical Systems.
It is the premiere symposium in its field, attracting a worldwide audience.
This symposium
draws together experts in many fields to discuss the latest advances in medical systems based upon computers. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Software Systems in Medicine
* Computer-Aided Diagnosis
* Knowledge-based Systems & Data Mining
* Decision Support Systems
* Medical Devices with Embedded Computers
* Signal and Image Processing in Medicine
* Medical Image Segmentation & Compression
* Network and Telemedicine Systems
* Medical Databases & Information Systems
* Web-based Delivery of Medical Information
* Multimedia Biomedical Databases
* Content Analysis of Biomedical Image Data
* Hand-held Computing Applications in Medicine
* Bioinformatics in Medicine