The conference will cover applications and theory of OR by a number of
> different sessions taking into account mainly planning applications of
> - the public administration, of
> - the industries, and of
> - the sciences.
> A planning process, meeting the company's overall goals, is of special
> importance today i.e. especially in times of small recources and
> restrictive budgets it is absolutely necessary to plan them appropriately.
> This main goal of this conference is to support the solution of these
> problems by mathematical models and adjacent solvers to answer questions
> concerning e.g.
> - forecasting,
> - operational and strategic planning
> - risk-estimation in uncertain planning situations.
> Applications of existing and upcoming liberalized energy markets
> (electricity, gas, district-heating, water, of the model based
> of the logistics, of traffic and transport (airline planning, urban bus
> system scheduling, emty freight car scheduling in railway systems), of the
> medicine and health care area or of the environment will be main areas of
> interest to be covered by the conference among other application oriented
> or theoretical problems.