The International Conference on Information Management and Evaluation (ICIME) provides a forum for both researchers and practitioners to come together to develop their understanding of both theory and practice in all aspects of IT/IS management and evaluation. The wide scope of ICIME reflects the increased use of technology to manage information in and between organizations of all types and sizes across the globe. ICIME 2010 will provide opportunities for people working and researching in the field to come together both formally and informally to share their knowledge and expertise.
The advisory group for the conference invites submissions of papers, and panel and workshop proposals on both the theory and practice of all aspects of IT/IS management and evaluation. The conference in March 2010 seeks quantitative, qualitative and experience-based papers, case studies and research-in-progress from industry and academe. Research in progress, case studies, poster submissions and proposals for roundtable discussions based on the main themes are also invited. Practitioner contributions and product demonstrations relevant to the conference are also invited