General Information
Thursday, December 2, 2010 - Saturday, December 4, 2010
Target Audience:
Academic and Practice
Damai Puri Resort, Kucing, Sarawak
Country: Malaysia (MAL)
Country: Malaysia (MAL)
General Email:
300 Euros
Event Details/Other Comments:
The scope of the conference includes, but not limited to, the following topics:
Hybrid renewable energy and energy saving
- Power systems, protection and reliability
- Controllers, drives and machine design
- Smart system and dynamic robust system
- Mechatronics and nano physics
- Simulators and software engineering
- Soft computing and computational intelligent
- Fuzzy and hybrid optimization
- Bioinformatics and body sensors
- Inventory, queuing and game theory
- Control Systems
- Power Electronics
- Robotics and Sensors
- Artificial immune systems & neural network
- Evolutionary algorithms
- Ant colony, genetic and swarm optimization
- probabilistic and possibilistic optimization
- Production design and rough set
- Line, pattern searches and decision making
- Micro transportation and civil structure
- Cams & gear design and optimum valves
- Network communication and wireless sensor
- Scheduling and assignment problems
- Graph theory and supply chain management
- Simulation and Modeling
- Operational Research
- Intelligent Systems & Applications
- Energy, Hydrogen energy, Bio-energy and Fuel
- Heat transfer & Biomass
- Fusion technology
- Automatic computing, Biological computing
- Coordinative intelligence, Granular computing
- Humanized intelligence,Cloud computing
- Hybrid artificial & Natural intelligence and computing