All search results for . 1021-1030 of 20227 results.
New Research Shows What Can Happen with Patients in ‘Off-Service’ Hospital Beds
...Management Science Study Key Takeaways...
Ralph Keeney Interview Transcript
Eva Lee Inducted into the AIMBE College of Fellows
When the cardiology patient ends up in the oncology care ward
Peer-to-Peer Product Sharing: Implications for Ownership, Usage, and Social Welfare in the Sharing Economy
...We are witnessing, across a wide range of domains, a shift away from the ...
TRAFFIC! Walkable, bikeable cities becoming future options
University of Cincinnati awarded the 2019 UPS George D. Smith Prize
...Austin, TX, April 15, 2019 ��� INFORMS, the leading international ...
Square feet could stumble over reduced booze use
Booz Allen Hamilton awarded the 2019 INFORMS Prize for Operations Research
...AUSTIN, TX, April 15, 2019 ��� INFORMS, the leading international ...