Search Results

All search results for . 10871-10880 of 19509 results.

Mississippi State University Student Chapter

Re: Betting Your Favorite to Win: Costly Reluct...

Penn State University Student Chapter

General Michael Hayden and former Secretary Anthony Foxx to Address INFORMS 2018 Government and Analytics Summit in Washington, D.C. on May 21
...CATONSVILLE, MD, March 27, 2018  INFORMS, the leading international ...

Unfair Pay and Health
...Perceptions of fairness play an important role in labor market relations and ...

A Partial-Order-Based Model to Estimate Individual Preferences Using Panel Data
...Customized pricing has been an extended practice in B2C e-commerce for several ...

Shining a Light on Toxic Chemicals Curbs Industrial Use
...Can federal regulators nudge companies to reduce emissions of toxic chemicals by...

Hongseok Namkoong

2018 Edelman Finalist Europcar
...Europcar Integrates Forecast, Simulation and Optimization Techniques in a ...

James V. Burke