All search results for . 10871-10880 of 20231 results.
Psychiatrist Prescribes O.R.
...As the resident-in-charge of the Psychopharmacology Clinic at the University of ...
Research Videos: a Star is bORn
...Richard Larson's article "Web Video: Transformational Option for O.R."...
O.R. and Physics
...Like most lay people, I admire physicists and am fascinated by their studies of ...
An Ominous Buzz
...Add one more threat to civilization as we know it, besides terrorism, emerging ...
Great Unsolved Problems in O.R.
...Nonlinear phenomena and processes are ubiquitous in both natural and man-made ...
Netflix Prize Poses Poseidon-like Problem
...Have you heard about the Netflix Prize? As you may know, Netflix is a company ...
By Integration by Differentiation
...In my August 2007 column, I wrote about the growing expectations of, but also ...
Finding a Path in an Uncertain World
...The modern world is full of uncertainty and variation. Last summer the cost of ...
Mass Egress and Post-disaster Responses
...What can be done if, despite best efforts, a disaster strikes, leaving hundreds ...
The ORacle Reflects
...Fall's early slight chill was in the air. The kids were back in school. The ...