Search Results

All search results for . 11641-11650 of 19507 results.

2010 Wagner Competition Videos

2016 Edelman Finalist BNY Mellon
...Transition State and End State Optimization Used in the BNY Mellon U.S. Tri-...

2009 Wagner Competition Videos

2016 Edelman Award Finalist ANFP
...O.R. Transforms Scheduling of Chilean Soccer Leagues and South American World ...

INFORMS Analytics Collections Videos

2016 Edelman Award Finalist 360i
...Digital Nervous System Generate $250MM in Cost Savings and $1B in Revenue ...

2010 Wagner Prize Finalist - Blockbuster Distribution
...A Short-Range Scheduling Model for Blockbuster's Order Processing OperationWe ...

Re: Understanding the Value Created by Associat...

Re: Promoting your M&SOM Article via “Crowd...

2010 Wagner Prize Winner - IBM
...OnTheMark: Integrated Stochastic Resource Planning of Human Capital Supply ...