Search Results

All search results for . 11731-11740 of 19507 results.

Leela Nageswaran

Moren Levesque

Christian Blanco
...What prompted you to enter this field? Why?Dan Kammen, my research advisor in ...

Russell Barton
...Russell Barton, Penn State Smeal College of Business senior associate dean for ...

Randy Bartlett
...Bartlett is a statistician, big data scientist, business analytics leader, ...

David L. Woodruff
...What is your favorite O.R. application?The Unit Commitment Problem (deciding ...

Stefan Karisch
...As director of Analytics, Stefan Karisch is responsible for the development and ...

Nick Wzientek
...Nick Wzientek serves is the Vice President of Operations Research and Analytics ...

Polly Mitchell-Guthrie
...What was your best INFORMS experience?I really enjoyed a session about case ...

Video Library
...Video LibraryO.R. and Analytics: Saving Lives. Saving Money. Solving Problems.We...