Search Results

All search results for . 11831-11840 of 19507 results.

Anne Robinson
...The term of INFORMS 19th president, Anne Robinson, cast a shining light on a ...

...An inside look at the Institute for Defense Analyses and why analytics has ...

Nicoleta Serban

...Doug Samuelsonsamuelsondoug@yahoo.comThat should take care of this instrument...

Yu Wang

Yan Deng

INFORMS NEWS: Meeting in Philadelphia offers education, networking & history
...The 2015 INFORMS Annual Meeting will be held Nov. 1-4 at the Pennsylvania ...

Brands, patents can protect firms from bankruptcy, new INFORMS journal study finds
...Intangible assets perform differently in a turbulent marketCATONSVILLE, MD, June...

INFORMS News: Position statement - Brian Denton
...I have served as secretary of INFORMS for the past two terms, and I am ...

INFORMS NEWS: Position statement - Les Servi
...We must continue to respond to the game-changing analytics opportunities around ...