Search Results

All search results for . 16761-16770 of 19484 results.

Weapons of Mass (Insert Pun Here)
...They say that puns are the lowest form of comedy; I disagree. I think whatever ...

Interactive Simulation
...In the mid-1980s, @Risk from Palisade [1] brought Monte Carlo simulation to ...

Renault Speeds Up Delivery
...In the face of a very competitive Western European market, French automaker ...

Best Dissertation Award
...The Dissertation Award is sponsored by the Robert H. School of Business at the ...

Education Journal Takes Off
...Where do you find a provocative essay on the art and science of simulation, a ...

Patient Flow
...From birth to death, we are all part of the healthcare system. We rely on both ...

TSL Dissertation Prize
...This award is the oldest and most prestigious honor for doctoral dissertations ...

The Supremes Rock Quantitative Methods
...The Supreme Court handed down decisions recently that: 1) racial diversity is &...

Best Paper Award
...The TSL Best Paper Award is given once a year to an outstanding paper in the ...

The Executive MBA
...Executive MBA (or EMBA) programs, often known as "MBA lights," have ...