Search Results

All search results for . 16841-16850 of 19484 results.

Lawrence M. Wein

How Safe is Web Security?
...When you are browsing the World Wide Web, you may have occasion to visit a &quot...

Vijay Chandru

Voting Queues Present Complicated Problems

Edelman Winner, Rhodes Scholar, Baseball Star & March Madness
...The big news for INFORMS in recent months was the Franz Edelman competition. ...

William P. Pierskalla

The Praetorian Guard's Parable
...The O.R. analyst was recounting to another colleague, a historian turned systems...

Thoughts on Publications
...Recently, I have been thinking about the business of scientific publications. ...

William "Al" Wallace

President's Desk
...About 15 years ago, I was at a consulting client delivering the final code for a...