All search results for . 17431-17440 of 20201 results.
Colorado Springs Police Department Repeat Offender Model
...2013 INFORMS Annual Meeting Minneapolis...
In Memoriam: C. Bernard Barfoot (1933-2016)
...C. Bernard ���Bernie��� Barfoot of Alexandria, Va., a mathematician and research...
Analyzing Social Media Data Having Discontinuous Underlying Dynamics
...2013 INFORMS Annual Meeting Minneapolis...
Pooyan Kazemian
...What prompted you to enter this field? Why?I didn���t fully realize the ...
In Memoriam: Philip S. Wolfe (1927-2016)
...Philip S. Wolfe, a mathematician and one of the founders of convex optimization ...
Steelcase Inc.
...By Tim MerkleIn a protected ���incubator��� environment, teams are free to test ...
Network Inference for Monitoring Cyber-physical Systems
...2013 INFORMS Annual Meeting Minneapolis...
Network Economics of Cyber Crime with Applications to Financial Service Organizations
...2013 INFORMS Annual Meeting Minneapolis...
Informs News: People
...Ed KaplanEd Kaplan, past president of INFORMS, received a personal letter of ...
Imposing Domain Expertise on Algorithmic Learning to Construct Highly Predictive...
...Imposing Domain Expertise on Algorithmic Learning to Construct Highly Predictive...