Search Results

All search results for . 17571-17580 of 19484 results.

Seventh International Symposium on Neural Networks

XVIII ABAS International Conference
...The XVIII International Conference of the Academy of Business & ...

8th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems

16th Annual Frontiers in Service Conference
...The Frontiers in Service Conference features a unique international mix of ...

Global Conference on Systems and Enterprises
...The theme for the GCSE 2009 conference is Critical Urban Infrastructure Systems...

INFORMS Teaching of Management Science Workshop

18th Triennial Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies 2008
...The theme of the conference is Operational Research: developing communities, ...

Yale Center for Customer Insights - 3rd Annual Conference
...This year's conference is sponsored by the Yale Center for Customer Insights and...

8th International Symposium on Operations Research and Its Applications
...ISORA is a series international symposium with goals to provide an international...

23rd European Conference on Operational Research
...See for more details...