All search results for . 17971-17980 of 20197 results.
Saif Benjaafar
...What prompted you to enter this field? Why?I started out as an electrical ...
2006: Warner Robbins win the Franz Edelman Award
...2006 INFORMS Edelman Awards Winner Ken Percell, Executive Director and Senior ...
2010 Edelman Finalist Deutsche Post DHL
...Deutsche Post DHL - Managing Global Brand Investments at DHLIn this proposal, we...
2010 Edelman Finalist Delaware River Basin Commission
...Delaware River Basin Commission - Breaking the Deadlock: Improving Water Release...
2011: Sasol wins the INFORMS Prize
...The 2011 INFORMS Prize is awarded to Sasol for demonstrating sustained, ...
2012 Edelman Finalist Intel
...Optimizing Capital Investment Decisions at Intel CorporationIntel spends over $5...
2011: Midwest ISO Wins the Franz Edelman Award
...The Midwest ISO transformed the electric utility industry leveraging advances in...
2012 Edelman Finalist Hewlett Packard
...Hewlett-Packard: Transformation of HP's Business Model through Advanced ...
INFORMS UPS Prize introduced at the 2011 INFORMS Franz Edelman Gala
...The UPS George D. Smith Prize is created in the spirit of strengthening ties ...
2008 INFORMS Franz Edelman Award Gala
...2008 INFORMS Franz Edelman Award for Acheivement in Operations Research...