Search Results

All search results for . 18971-18980 of 19483 results.

José Rui Figueira

Wei Xie

INFORMS NEWS: Call for nominations: INFORMS prizes & awards
...John von Neumann Theory PrizeThe John von Neumann Theory Prize is awarded ...

Christopher E. Marks

Jack Soll

...The 2016 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC 2016) will be held Dec. 11-14 in ...

Richard Larrick

Winter Simulation Conference Best Student Paper Award
...INFORMS-Sim co-sponsors the Winter Simulation Conference (WSC) Ph.D. Colloquium...

INFORMS NEWS: Call for nominations: Interfaces editor
...The second term of Srinivas Bollapragada as editor-in-chief of Interfaces ...

Guy Feldman