Search Results

All search results for . 19101-19110 of 19483 results.

Tuo Zhao

Paul Brooks

Christian Blanco
...What prompted you to enter this field? Why?Dan Kammen, my research advisor in ...

Karlin, Samuel

INFORMS Healthcare 2015 ready for Nashville
...The 2015 INFORMS Healthcare Conference will be held in Nashville, Tenn., on July...

Louisiana Tech University Student Chapter

11 Big Data Certifications That Will Pay Off

CORS, INFORMS to host international conference
...The Canadian Operational Research Society and INFORMS will host a joint ...

Statistical Software Survey
...Biennial survey of popular software includes wide range of tools.By James J. ...

CIST 2015
...The INFORMS Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST 2015) will be...