Search Results

All search results for . 2061-2070 of 20211 results.

Turning pork into profits in Chile
...A decision support system for production planning in a Chilean swine ...

O.R. without borders: Introducing O.R. in Mongolian Schools
...By Mendsaikhan Sonomtseren, Altantsetseg Sodnomtseren and Khuslen Zorigt...

Study examines European OR/MS education
...By Jeroen Belin, Hans Ittmann, Marco Laumanns, Joo Lus de Miranda, ...

Operations research at Tokyo Gas
...From demand forecasting to emergency response, Japans largest city gas ...

2017 INFORMS Franz Edelman Award finalists selected from leading analytics teams around the world
...Finalist contributions include innovations in the transportation, health, and ...

INFORMS NEWS: Record turnout expected for INFORMS Annual Meeting
...By Chanaka Edirisinghe...

China: Water conservancy & hydropower engineering
...Effectively managing huge construction projects and efficiently harnessing vast ...

In Memoriam: Salah Eldin Elmaghraby (Oct. 21, 1927-June 12, 2016)
...Dr. Salah Eldin Elmaghraby, a longtime and influential member of the global ...

Daniel Armanios

...Sridhar TayurSridhar Tayur, professor of management at Carnegie Mellon ...