Search Results

All search results for . 2221-2230 of 19484 results.

2016 IAAA Finalist IBM
...Analytics for the Engagement Life Cycle of IBM's Highly Valued IT Service ...

2011 INFORMS Edelman Awards Gala
...The purpose of the Franz Edelman competition is to bring forward, recognize and ...

Tutorials in O.R.: Dynamic Optimization in Radiotherapy
...Tutorials in O.R.: Dynamic Optimization in Radiotherapy...

2014 Wagner Prize Finalist - Sabre Holdings, Inc
...Sabre: Airline Crew Augmentation, Decades of Improvements from SabreThe airline ...

Tutorials in O.R.: Simple Heuristics for Optimal Inventory Policies in Supply Chains
...Tutorial #4: Simple Heuristics for Optimal Inventory Policies in Supply Chains...

2009: HP Wins the Franz Edelman Award
...HP offers a wide spectrum of innovative products to meet diverse customer needs...

2016 IAAA Winner Detecting Preclinical Cognitive Change
...Detecting Preclinical Cognitive ChangeThe Clock Drawing Test -- a simple pencil ...

2011 Edelman Finalist Tax Collection Optimization for the State of New York
...2011 Edelman Finalist The State of New YorkAbstract: The New York State ...

2009 INFORMS Edelman Awards Gala
...The purpose of the Franz Edelman competition is to bring forward, recognize and ...

2014 Wagner Prize Finalist - Intel Corporation, Decision Engineering Group
...Intel: Project Portfolio Planning at Intel CorporationWe address the problem of ...