Search Results

All search results for . 2501-2510 of 19484 results.

INFORMS Job Panels

Supply Chain Risk Management: Developing a Research Agenda
...Recent supply chain disruptions have caused many company executives, ...

Better Smarter Electricity Markets: Efficiently Capturing Wind, Rain and Fire
...Despite today's economic challenges, the time is now to make big investments in ...

Better Testing Leads to Greater Safety
...Ford has performed over 20,000 crash tests since 1954. This number has increased...

ORMS and Risk Management Failures: What are We Doing Wrong? (Omega Rho Distinguished Lecture)
...The events contributing to the global financial crisis and the Gulf of Mexico ...

Optimization Society

Re: Understanding the Value Created by Associat...

Re: Promoting your M&SOM Article via “Crowd...

Keynotes and Plenaries

2010 Wagner Prize Finalist - GE Global Research
...Marketing Optimization in Retail Banking (GE)We address the problem of making ...