Search Results

All search results for . 3051-3060 of 19485 results.

BACLOG: 9th Workshop on Logistics and Supply Chain Management
...Focus and TopicsThis workshop deals with quantitative approaches in Logistics ...

Lehigh University Student Chapter

...IMPORTANT DEADLINESPaper Submission Deadline:     &nbsp...

ICS Proceedings
...The INFORMS Computing Society is the INFORMS society addressing the ...

Bilkent SCL Workshop

Collaboration and Multitasking in Networks: Architectures, Bottlenecks, and Capacity
...MSOM Blog for article: by the ...

2011 Conference Volume
...Operations Research, Computing, and Homeland Defense...

From M&SOM Journal Editor

Geisler, Murray

Ads Communicate Their Message in as Little as a Tenth of a Second, Helped by Color
...Despite Brief Viewing, Consumers Grasp Ads GistCATONSVILLE, MD, December 10, ...