Search Results

All search results for . 311-320 of 19483 results.

5th IEEE International Workshop on Algorithms for Wireless, Mobile, Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks
...The field of wireless and mobile computing is an important research challenging ...

Artificial Immune Systems - CEC 2005 Special Session - Call for Papers
...This session will aim to highlight the latest in the developments of Artificial ...

Introductory Tutorials in Optimization, Search, and Decision Support
...Sponsored by...

The 2nd IASTED International Conference on Financial Engineering and Applications - FEA 2004
...The expanding range of financial instruments available to corporations and ...

GRACO 2005 2nd Brazilian Symposium on Graphs, Algorithms and Combinatorics
...GRACO 2005 is an international forum for researchers in all areas of ...

The 2nd Montreal Scientific Computing Days
...The objective of this workshop is to encourage scientific exchange within the ...

1st Quantitative Marketing and Economics Conference
...Quantitative Marketing and Economics hosts an annual conference featuring ...

International Conference on Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management and Organisational Learning
...ICICKM provides an opportunity for academics and practitioners from North ...

DASD 2005 Design, Analysis, and Simulation of Distributed Systems
...The 2005 Spring Simulation Multiconference (SpringSim 2005) will feature the ...

Conference on Operator Theory, Function Spaces and Applications
...The main topics of OTFUSA2005 include...