Search Results

All search results for . 3751-3760 of 19494 results.

Vijay Mookerjee

INFORMS News: Bonder Scholarship for O.R. in Health Services
...Bonder Scholarship for Applied O.R. in Health Services (l-r): Merrill Bonder, ...

Jeremy D. Goldhaber-Fiebert

Sze-chuan Suen

INFORMS News: Doing Good with Good O.R. Student Paper Competition
...Do gooders (l-r): DGWGOR presenter Chase Rainwater applauds Can Zhang (winner), ...

INFORMS News: Volunteer Service Award
...The Volunteer Service Award recognizes up to 20 INFORMS members annually who ...

Wenqi Hu

José R. Zubizarreta

Hrayer Aprahamian

INFORMS News: Scenes from Houston 2017
...Clockwise, from right...