Search Results

All search results for . 4361-4370 of 19494 results.

Chun Ye

INFORMS NEWS: Three receive Undergraduate Operations Research Prize
...Aurelie Thiele (far right), chair of the Undergraduate Operations Research Prize...

Wang-Chi Cheung

Ernan Haruvy

INFORMS NEWS: CDC, Georgia Tech, Emory team up to win Wagner Prize
...Eva Lee, Georgia Tech.A team comprised of researchers from the Centers for ...

Valery Pavlov

World’s best analytics teams selected for 2016 INFORMS Franz Edelman Award competition
...CATONSVILLE, MD, December 14, 2015 INFORMS, the largest international ...

INFORMS NEWS: Doing Good with Good O.R. Student Paper Competition
...Chenxi Zeng (third from left) won the Doing Good with Good O.R. Student Paper ...

Michael Bloem

Can Zhang