Search Results

All search results for . 5691-5700 of 19507 results.

INFORMS News: Call for nominations - Lifetime Professional Achievement Award
...By Averill M. LawThe Lifetime Professional Achievement Award (LPAA) of the ...

INFORMS News: In Memoriam - Samuel J. Raff
...Samuel J. Raff, the editor of Computers and Operations Research for 40 years, ...

INFORMS News: Position Statement — Anant Balakrishnan
...Anant Balakrishnan I am honored to be nominated for the position of president-...

INFORMS News: People
...Jack LevisJack Levis, director of process management at UPS and the vice ...

INFORMS News: Call for nominations and submissions
...John von Neumann Theory PrizeThe John von Neumann Theory Prize is awarded ...

INFORMS News: CIST set for Charlotte on Nov. 12-13
...The INFORMS Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST 2011) will be...

INFORMS News: In Memoriam — Clarence Adam Haverly Jr. (1925-2011)
...Clarence Adam Haverly Jr.Clarence Adam Haverly Jr. Larry to his ...

INFORMS News: Wyndham wins Revenue Management and Pricing Prize
...Wyndham Exchange & Rentals (WE&R) won the 2011 INFORMS Revenue ...

INFORMS News: People
...Arjang A. Assad, dean of the School of Management, University at Buffalo, State ...

INFORMS News: In Memoriam — Charles Sprague Beightler (1924-2011)
...Charles Sprague BeightlerCharles Sprague Beightler, Ph.D., a recipient of the ...