Search Results

All search results for . 6041-6050 of 19507 results.

Netflix Prize Poses Poseidon-like Problem
...Have you heard about the Netflix Prize? As you may know, Netflix is a company ...

Call For Papers
...MAS: Beyond Point Estimates...

Finding a Path in an Uncertain World
...The modern world is full of uncertainty and variation. Last summer the cost of ...

Calendar 1999

2001: A Cyberspace Odyssey
...E-dust will settle down this year and real things will get done. We will move ...

Time to Update Teaching Cases

JMP 6.0.3
...When the software review editor for OR/MS Today is looking for someone to review...

The Illusion of Power
...Regardless of the claims of many MRPII and ERP vendors that their systems can ...

Statistical Thinking with Spreadsheets
...This is a regular column sponsored by INFORMED, the INFORMS Forum on Education. ...

The International Web
...Ten years ago, I spent a postdoctoral year at Bernhard Korte's Institut fr ...