Search Results

All search results for . 6121-6130 of 19507 results.

Bullish on Management Science
...The buzz at Merrill Lynch's World Financial Center headquarters was at a fever ...

Sustaining Rollback of Malaria
...For ages, malaria has caused more human suffering than any other disease. ...

One Problem OR Hasn't Solved
...Back in the 70s when I was still an assistant professor at the Institute for ...

Joint MIT/INFORMS Symposium: Sunday, April 25
...1-1:45 p.m. "When OR is AND," Thomas L. Magnanti, dean of MIT ...

The Trouble With Data
...Item: In the aftermath of Sept. 11, many OR/MS people were eager to help. Surely...

ORC Through the Years
...An all-star line-up of speakers will deliver a series of plenary sessions on ...

Case Study: The INRO Way
...INRO Consultants is a Canadian company which develops, distributes and supports ...

A New Way of Looking at Models
...In his new book "Serious Play: How the World's Best Companies Simulate to ...

Rush Limbaugh's Parable
...quot;Wow! That was some Super Bowl!" the OR/MS analyst exclaimed as the ...

Lessons Learned from International Projects
...Since large-scale, international projects carried out by multi-disciplinary ...