Search Results

All search results for . 6941-6950 of 19507 results.

IBM Best Student Paper Award Competition
...The INFORMS Service Science Section announces the  Best Student Paper Award...

...2014 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence(ICOAI 2014)December 22-...

Best Student Paper Award -- Application Process

Oral Histories
...This page lists a collection of oral history interviews and presentations found ...

...Bernard O. Koopman, "Search and Screening" (1946...

ORMS Annual Report 2013
...ORMS Annual Report 2013...

Marketing Science Conference 2016

Using Competitors’ Brand Name as a Keyword Can Backfire
...CATONSVILLE, MD, July 14, 2014 Buying keywords of a popular competitors ...

...2015 4th International Conference on Information Computer Application ...

...The International Conference on Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and ...