All search results for . 71-80 of 20081 results.
Workshop on Domain Specific Visual Languages
1st Annual McMaster Optimization Conference: Theory and Applications (MOPTA 01)
...1st Annual McMaster Optimization Conference...
4th Int'l Conference on the Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling
...This conference is the fourth in a series of conferences that serve as...
ARACNE Spring School on Approximation Algorithms for Scheduling and Telecommunications
...The EU Research Training Network "Approximation and Randomized Algorithms...
Second SIAM International Conference on Data Mining
ISATP 2001 The 4th International Symposium on Assembly and Task Planning
...Assembly and Disassembly in the Twenty-first Century...
Sixth INFORMS Telecommunications Conference
Discrete Mathematics and its Industrial Applications
...We are organising a conference on the industrial applications of some...
Optimization Days - Journees de l'Optimisation 2003
20th MINI-EURO CONFERENCE : Continuous Optimization and Knowledge-Based Technologies