Search Results

All search results for . 751-760 of 19483 results.

2019 INFORMS Presidents Award
...2019 INFORMS Presidents Award 10/20/19 Seattle Dr. Bertsimas...

Jessye Talley

Ramayya Krishnan, Sonal Shah Named Among National Academy of Public Administration Fellows

Starting a business is hard. With student debt, it can be impossible

Bukola Bakare

Re: OR Forum: Efficient Feed-In-Tariff Policies...

Re: OR Forum: A Glimpse at An Operation Analyst...

Katya Scheinberg

Prices Vibrate Before They Crash
...When an earthquake strikes, its relatively mild P-waves travel through the earth...

Does Patent Trolling Kill Innovations?
...The last fifteen years have seen a surge in patent litigation, driven ...