All search results for . 881-890 of 20133 results.
Is India Ready for Revenue Management?
...Last July, during the IFORS Triennial Conference in Hawaii, I attended a plenary...
A Great Night for the Profession
...quot;John, may I have the committee's decision, please." Even veteran ...
Five Ways to Jump on the 'Better' Bandwagon
...Now that the "Science of Better" campaign is in full progress, there ...
'Global' Optimization
...Sixteen row boats set out from La Gomera in the Canary Islands, headed for Port ...
Academic/Practitioner Cooperation, Part 1: Why is it
Important? Why is it Hard?
...Given my campaign statement when I ran for INFORMS president-elect, it should ...
Site Sports New Look and Feel
...If you've visited in the last few weeks, perhaps you've noticed ...
To Queue or Not to Queue?
...Will the 2008 U.S. presidential election be decided by election queues? We don't...
The Sciences of Butter, Batter and Bitter
...Suggestions for sub-sections for the "Science of Better"...
Riled Up Over ROI
...So I just finished up a research paper and sent it off to Interfaces the other ...
Missed Opportunity
...To the Editor: I read the article by David Simchi-Levi on the new mission for ...