Search Results

All search results for . 10981-10990 of 20231 results.

Academic/Practitioner Cooperation, Part 1: Why is it Important? Why is it Hard?
...Given my campaign statement when I ran for INFORMS president-elect, it should ...

'Dantzig' the Optimality Jig
...To the Editor...

Supply Chain Management
...This supply chain management (SCM) software survey has been prepared with ...

Academic/Practitioner Cooperation, Part 2: What to Do About It?
...My first presidential column dealt with why academic/practitioner interaction is...

The Karate Instructor's Parable
...The shouts and laughter of the group of nine- and 10-year-old boys had faded, as...

Agents of Change
...Listen to experienced defense and intelligence analysts talking about "what...

Course of Action
...Now that AACSB International (the organization of business school deans that ...

Can OR Help Stop The Invisible Plague?
...When you list major threats to U. S. security and prosperity, do you include ...

Petition Makes the Case
...This article is based on excerpts from a petition submitted to AACSB ...

O.R. Scores in SpORts
...A football team scores a touchdown that puts it down by one point as the game ...