All search results for . 11001-11010 of 20231 results.
The Case for Teaching O.R. at Liberal Arts Institutions
...Less than a decade ago, I graduated from a well-known liberal arts school in the...
How We Can Avert A National Crisis
...The call came in on my wife's cell phone as we were driving back to Chicago from...
O.R.: The Science of Better
...By now you may have heard the stirrings �� the INFORMS Science of Better ...
Revenue Management for MBAs
...Revenue management (RM) is a leading-edge business practice that belongs in ...
Remembering the Great GBD
...George Bernard Dantzig, widely known as the "Father of Linear Programming,&...
Passion for Punctuation: Eats, Shoots & Leaves
...On a recent trip to New Delhi, I went to the local bookstore. At the entrance, ...
Project Management as a Capstone Management Science Course
...Vijay Mehrotra's recent column in OR/MS Today ["Success Often Eludes ...
Renault Speeds Up Delivery
...In the face of a very competitive Western European market, French automaker ...
Quality of Journals Difficult to Measure
...To the Editor: I was interested to read ManMohan Sodhi's article in the April ...
The Sense-and-Respond Enterprise
...What is an adaptive enterprise? What does it mean to be a "sense-and-...