Search Results

All search results for . 11061-11070 of 20227 results.

The Traveling Spaceman Problem
...Below is a three-dimensional map of the universe containing nine galaxies that ...

What a Wonderful (MIT) World
...To The Editor: Thank you, Laurie Everett and Dick Larson, for the article on MIT...

How Will We Teach in the Future?
...I worry about not being able to connect with my students at all in the not-too-...

Marketing the Profession to Our Students
...The INFORMS marketing the profession (the "Science of Better") ...

The Golden Goose
...Once upon a time, long ago, in a land far away, a farmer had a goose that laid ...

Solving the Meeting Conflict Problem
...As I write this column, I'm preparing to leave for the INFORMS international ...

Ralph L. Keeney

The Secret of Accreditation
...The OR/MS analyst was troubled. He decided to consult, again, the oracle (...

What They're Saying About Operations Research
...Several articles in the press examined the contributions made by INFORMS, its ...

Can You Imagine ... 500,000 Prep Proponents of O.R.?
...Can you imagine 100,000 high school students in the year 2020 taking a ...