Search Results

All search results for . 11121-11130 of 19508 results.

Insurance Agency Productivity and Prospecting (iAPP)
...Presented by Mark Grabau, IBM In this session, Grabau presents an approach that ...

2008 INFORMS Franz Edelman Award Gala
...2008 INFORMS Franz Edelman Award for Acheivement in Operations Research...

Predicting the Present with Google Trends -- Google
...2012 Analytics Conference Huntington Beach...

The Need for Speed: Responsive Prescriptive Analytics in Today's Business Environment
...Presented by T. Glenn Bailey, Manheim Consulting...

2009 INFORMS Edelman Awards Gala
...The purpose of the Franz Edelman competition is to bring forward, recognize and ...

2014 Wagner Prize Finalist - Intel Corporation, Decision Engineering Group
...Intel: Project Portfolio Planning at Intel CorporationWe address the problem of ...

Storytelling: The Importance of "Why" in the Analytics Process -- End-to-End Analytics
...2012 Analytics Conference Huntington Beach...

2010 Edelman Finalist Proctor & Gamble
...Inventory Optimization at Proctor & Gamble: Achieving Real Benefits Through ...

2007: Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center Wins the Franz Edelman Award
...Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC), the world's oldest private ...

Digital Analytics at the World's Largest Online Marketplace -- eBay
...2012 Analytics Conference Huntington Beach...