Search Results

All search results for . 11311-11320 of 20081 results.

Don't Shoot the Messenger
...By now, long-time readers of OR/MS Today are used to the question: If operations...

The Internet is Going to the Dogs
...It seems like there was a time when the Internet was a playground for ...

Achievements and Accolades
...George Bernard Dantzig, professor emeritus, Department of Management Science and...

Second Thoughts on Citation Counts, Impact Factors

My Time with the Great GBD
...The King is dead. George B. Dantzig is with us no more. And though we rejoice ...

Bad Side of eCommerce Recommendations: Overemphasis on Blockbuster Hits
...HANOVER, MD, May 14, 2009 Recommender systems like those at Amazon, Netflix...

The Secret of Power
...The O.R. analyst was doing well, but still he was not content. He decided to ...

J. Miguel Villas-Boas

Debanjan Mitra

Peter N. Golder