Search Results

All search results for . 11331-11340 of 19507 results.

Christopher J. Nannini

INFORMS NEWS: Newman earns INFORMS Prize for Teaching of OR/MS Practice
...Committee member Michael Gorman, recipient Alexandra M. Newman and INFORMS ...

INFORMS NEWS: 20th Conference of IFORS
...The IFORS 2014 Triennial Conference will be held in Barcelona, Spain, July 13-18...

INFORMS NEWS: Minneapolis 2013 —Scenes from the Annual Meeting
...Clockwise, from top left...

INFORMS NEWS: Save time, renew membership online
...Thank you for being part of another successful year for INFORMS, the Institute ...

MSOM iFORM SIG Best Paper Award
...The Manufacturing & Service Operations Management (M&SOM) iFORM (...

INFORMS NEWS: Roundtable focuses on big data
...By Arnie GreenlandThe 2013 INFORMS Roundtable Fall Meeting was held Oct. 5-6 at ...

INFORMS NEWS: INFORMS welcomes new members
...INFORMS welcomes the following new members who joined the Institute in September...

INFORMS NEWS: Certified Analytics Professional (CAP®) schedule

...Doug Samuelsonsamuelsondoug@yahoo.comJoe, a consulting OR/MS analyst, was still ...