Search Results

All search results for . 17041-17050 of 19484 results.

...A single outstanding organization receives the award every year. Glenn Wegryn, ...

George Nicholson Prize Committee
...2024 Committee Co-Chairs...

INFORMS Conference Calendar
...INFORMS Members always receive the best rates on our meetings. Join today and ...

Best Working Paper Award Application Process
...Eligibility criteria...

INFORMS Prize - Application Process
...The INFORMS Prize is awarded for effective integration of advanced ...

Successful Tech Firms Open Near Universities, Says Study in May Management Insights
...Management Insights, a regular feature of the journal, is a digest of important ...

Saul Gass Expository Writing Award - Application Process
...The Saul Gass Expository Writing Award honors an operations researcher/...

Organization Science Authors Win Sloan Foundation Prize
...Hanover, MD, December 27, 2007 - The Sloan Foundation has recognized authors of ...

INFORMS Fellows: Class of 2003
...Arnold I. BarnettArnold Barnett is the George Eastman Professor of Management ...

Optimizing Business Performance in a Data-Driven World Is Subject of INFORMS Keynote Address by IBM’s Pulleyblank
...In his address, Dr. Pulleyblank will discuss how over the last two decades we ...